
Be prepared

Be prepared


Your first visit to a Chiropractor or Podiatrist can be a little daunting. You don’t know what to expect, and that can make you anxious and unsure. Especially if you have heard horror stories from ‘well meaning’ friends or relatives. But there are some things you can do to prepare for your appointment that might help.




  • Firstly, think about why it is you are seeing the Chiropractor. Have a list of questions and concerns to talk over with your practitioner so they have a good idea of the overall picture of your condition
  • Gather together any scans or x-rays that might be relevant, and a list of medications, as these might impact your treatment or the reasons for your condition
  • If you are the sporty type with an exercise related injury, our Sports and Exercise Chiropractor would like to see footage of you in action. This will give your practitioner an idea of where you might need help, and why you are experiencing discomfort.
  • Wear comfortable clothes that are easy to take off. Think about what area of your body you want your Chiropractor to treat and make sure they will be able to access the area easily in your clothing, particularly if you are concerned about undressing
  • Most Chiropractors will want you to fill out an initial consultation form that may include some medical history, so try and arrive a few minutes early. This will also allow you time to be relax and be comfortable in your surroundings before your appointment




  • As with the Chiropractor, think about what has caused you to make the appointment, as well as any other concerns you might have in relation to your feet and ankles.
  • Scans, x-rays and medication list will help your Podiatrist see the whole picture, particularly if you have any underlying health conditions such as diabetes
  • Bring your work or walking shoes with you, particularly if your concern is orthotics related. The Podiatrist will want to have a look at what you are wearing and how you are walking.
  • If you are seeing the podiatrist for orthotics, try and wear or bring shorts that show the knee, so your practitioner can watch how your knees move while walking
  • Don’t paint your nails or get a pedicure before your appointment. Your podiatrist will want to look at your nails, and may end up ruining a good paint job, so wait until after your appointment. If your nails are already painted, try and remove it before your appointment – it will save time. Depending on why you are seeing them, they may also want to take a nail sample, so don’t cut your nails either.
  • Do wash your feet if at all possible. If your appointment is after a long day of work, try and remember to take something to spray on your feet to freshen them up – there are plenty of sprays containing peppermint or eucalyptus that you can use


Being prepared is not so difficult, and can help you get the most from your appointment with any health practitioner. If you would like to make an appointment with a Chiropractor or Podiatrist, call our Baulkham Hills Clinic on 9639 7337 today.


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