
Vertigo – chiropractic can help you regain your balance

Vertigo – chiropractic can help you regain your balance

Recently in the clinic we have seen a couple of cases of ‘vertigo’. So we thought it might be worth taking a closer look at what vertigo is and how Chiropractic treatment can help.

Vertigo is the feeling that you are off-balance. The room might be spinning, tilting or swaying and you will be unsteady on your feet. You also probably feel anything from mildly to extremely nauseous. Sometimes you will experience a headache, sweating or ringing in the ears. In extreme cases, you eyes may make abnormal, jerking movements, making it difficult to focus.

There are a number of specific causes of Vertigo, but most relate to problems with the inner ear, as this is the part of the body that signals the brain about balance and movement.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the buildup of tiny calcium particles in the inner ear canals. This buildup interferes with the workings of the inner ear and the signals to the brain.

Meniere’s disease is similar, although it relate to a build up of fluid that causes changes in the pressure of the inner ear. This disease can also cause tinnitus (ringing in the ear) and hearing loss.

Labyrinthitis is a viral infection that causes inflammation around the nerves the body uses to maintain a sense of balance.

In mild cases Vertigo may resolve itself. Whatever the cause, Vertigo can seriously disrupt your daily routine and it often recurs, so it is worth considering treatment.

Chiropractic treatment can help redistribute build up of calcium particles or fluid in the case of BPPV and Meniere’s Disease. Physical therapy that helps strengthen the vestibular system is often effective, exercises that focus on walking and balance will also help. Our Chiropractors can provide you with treatment and an exercise plan that will reduce the severity of your symptoms and help you get back to your normal routine.
Sometimes Vertigo can be caused by a head or neck injury, a stroke or tumour, so it is important to see a health professional to get an accurate diagnosis.

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