Infertility and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Wanting a baby is an emotional, instinctive urge. The human race is programmed to reproduce. But for a growing number of couples, falling pregnant, and staying pregnant, is becoming more and more difficult. Around 1 in 6 couples are now described as ‘infertile’. But what is infertility? What causes it? And what can you do to improve your situation should you find yourself in this situation?
What is Infertility?
Technically, infertility is described as failure to achieve pregnancy within 12 months of trying. However, it’s not quite that simple. Fertility is a complex issue. Many couples have a successful pregnancy, only to fail to achieve a second. Others are able to become pregnant, but face the heartbreak of miscarriage, sometimes over and over.
Male infertility accounts for around 1/3 of infertile couples, whilst for 20-30% of couples there a fertility problems with both partners.
What Causes Infertility?
Whilst there are obviously some differences in relation to what causes female infertility as opposed to male, there are definitely some common factors, many of which are becoming more problematic in our increasingly busy lifestyle:
- Age – with the pressures of setting yourself up in a career, and the cost of living, many couples are leaving it later to try and start a family. Since women are born with all the eggs they will ever have, and these deteriorate over time, leaving child bearing too late can create fertility problems.
- Lifestyle – stress, smoking and drinking alcohol contribute to a reduction in fertility in both men and women
- Weight – being either over or under weight can affect fertility, particularly in women.
- Endocrine disorders
- Long term use of oral contraceptives
- Structural problems, like blocked tubes or fibroids
- Low sperm count
- Low mobility (movement)
- Morphology – the shape of the sperm