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What do your genes say about you?

Have you ever wondered why you can roll your tongue but your friend can’t? Or why your little finger is crooked?

It’s all about genetics. Whilst there is a great deal of debate about nature versus nurture when it comes to personality, there can be no question that your physical attributes come from your parents. But how exactly does it work?
Genes – more correctly known as alleles – are inherited from both our mother and father. Each pair of genes provides the blueprint for our physical characteristics. But all genes are not created equal. There are essentially two types – dominant and recessive. So, if you inherit a dominant gene from one parent, and a recessive from the other, the dominant gene will appear. This is particularly apparent in eye colour – blue eye colour is recessive, so if you have blue eyes, you have two recessive genes. If you go on to have a baby with another blue-eyed person, the baby will have blue eyes. However, if you have a baby with a brown-eyed person the baby could inherit a recessive gene from your brown eyed partner, resulting in blue eyes – or the dominant brown one, resulting in brown eyes. Then there are the polygenic genes, where more than one gene is responsible for a trait. These genes impact things like height, weight, hair and skin colour. Research suggests that Type 2 Diabetes is a polygenic trait. So what are some dominant genes that might surprise you?
  • Bent little finger – if your little finger curves inwards towards the rest of your fingers, this is dominant
  • Achoo syndrome – this is a weird one! Some people sneeze when seeing a bright light after being in the dark – this is a dominant gene!
  • Double Jointed-ness – a dominant gene that allows you to bend in ways other people can’t
  • Tongue rolling – if you can roll your tongue up from the sides, this is the result of a dominant gene
  • Coriander – if you think coriander has a soapy taste – blame it on the parents!

But let’s go back to nature versus nurture debate. There are a number of things that recent research suggests are strongly genetically linked. Some might surprise you, some might shock you, and some might provide you with a ‘get out of jail free’ card with your friends and family!
  • Laziness – yes, if humans are at all like rats, extreme laziness can be genetic. Netflix please!
  • Stress – how well you handle stress is at least in part genetic. Some of us should maybe look into meditation classes sooner rather than later…
  • Travel – some people love it, some people hate it. Don’t fight it if those feet are itchy!
  • Driving skills – don’t jump to conclusions and blame your mother! Maybe it’s your father’s fault
  • Addiction – having a tendency toward addiction (chocolate doesn’t count) is actually genetic, something to watch out for if it runs in the family
  • Violence – some would say this is nurture over nature, but studies suggest there is a definite genetic component to a tendency to respond violently
  • Music – your taste in music is partially genetic. In my case, it came from my kids!
  • Partner selection – no, it wasn’t just their beautiful eyes or the great sense of humour. You were genetically predisposed to them. Makes you look at your partner in a slightly different light, doesn’t it?
  • Phobias – spiders, small spaces, heights. All genetically predisposed

One final thing you might not know about genes – around 8% of your DNA is viral. And no, this does not give you license to get a doctor’s certificate for some time off work! At Precision Health Spine & Sports Clinic we are fascinated by all things to do with the human body. If you would like an appointment to sort out some genetic or non-genetic concerns give the clinic a call on (02) 9639 7337.

Exciting new partnership for Precision Health Spine & Sports Clinic

Introducing Baby Body Bounceback at Kinder Café

Precision Health Spine & Sports Clinic has always been a family-friendly clinic. Now we’re taking it to a whole new level! We are teaming up with Kinder Café at Castle Hill to provide expectant and new mums in the Hills district with educational, informative and practical classes to help with managing the changes to their bodies during and after pregnancy. Kinder Café is a great new café in Salisbury Road Castle Hill, where mums with bubs and toddlers meet to enjoy great coffee and food. But that’s not all. Both Mums and children can attend classes and talks on a wide range of topics. Activities for kids include exercise classes, singing classes, arts and crafts and little kids science classes. Mums can relax, knowing their children are having a great time making friends and learning something.
Meanwhile, mums can take advantage of yoga classes, presentations by stylists and even have a pedicure. The brainchild of Kristen Marshall and Bowie Kingsley, Kinder Café also offers workspace for mums who work from home. Children can join a class, learn and socialize while mums can get some guilt free work time in as well as socializing with other mums. A win/win for everyone! Precision Health Spine and Sports Clinic are now teaming up with Kinder Café to offer mums classes on how to cope with the changes to their bodies during and after pregnancy. These four practical and informative one-hour classes will cover topics like,
  • the importance of a strong pelvic floor
  • what pregnancy hormones do to your ligaments
  • the impact on your lower back
  • how to manage your recovery after birth, whether natural or cesarean
  • repairing & strengthening core muscles after the pressure of pregnancy
  • the best way to lift and carry your baby (and the pram, and the washing)
  • how to protect your back in the feeding position
  • and lots more

We understand how busy it is with a new baby so classes will focus on easy to do at home simple exercises to help you get back in shape without the need to find time for getting to the gym. There are plenty of things you can do while feeding your baby or driving to the shops that will start getting you back in shape. Classes are on a Thursday and run for an hour, starting at 12 noon – just the right time to follow it up with coffee and something delicious to eat at the café! Classes commence on 2 November and run for four weeks. The cost per class is $20. And of course, being a class about pregnancy bodies, babies are welcome! If you would like to book into this exciting class call the clinic on (02) 9639 7337, or Kinder Café on 0412 821 269. Hope we see you there!

Is your office making you fat?

With summer just around the corner, our thoughts often turn to our weight.

The prospect of exposing ourselves in shorts or sleeveless dresses – not to mention swimming costumes – can cause us to evaluate our diet and exercise regime. A recent study has found that women consume up to an additional 100,000 calories per year at work! So, it’s not just about having a sedentary job, but all those additional sneaky snacks that we don’t realize we are consuming. Just to put it in perspective, 100,000 calories is around 384 Mars Bars or 1052 glasses of champagne. That’s more than one Mars Bar and two glasses of Champagne A DAY. A day people!

So where do all these clandestine calories come from?

Milky Coffee. A quick fix on the way to work. Then a co-worker is doing a coffee run. One more won’t hurt. Client lunch. It would be rude not to stay for coffee. Before you know it you’ve had three lattes before you head home. A small cup of coffee can be between 80-100 calories. You do the math. That’s almost a meal. Biscuits. We’ve all done it. You make a coffee or tea, are about to wander back to your desk, and suddenly a biscuit jumps out of that tuppeware container on the bench and into your hand. Sometimes they even work in pairs. You don’t really want them. You’re not really hungry. You are not even that fond of Monte Carlos. But there they are in your hand. And lunch is a long way off. You might even have to work through. And you are feeling a bit lacking in energy. A quick sugar fix will give you the energy to get through the morning. Right? Cake – depending on the size of your office, there can be a cake just about every week. And it’s never just a plain old butter cake. The popularity of the birthday-ee is in direct proportion to the amount of ganache, cream, grated chocolate and decorative macarons on their birthday cake. And to say no would suggest you don’t like said birthday-ee as much as everyone else does. Right? Chocolate – the ever-present fundraising opportunities. Everyone’s children’s school, scout group or sports team needs to raise funds. Worthy causes all. Enough said. Dried Fruit & Nut – ah, the healthy alternative. Just graze on this. And it is healthy. Well, healthier than the biscuits. But it’s also high in calories. And when you graze, you really lose track of how much you are consuming.

So, what should you do about all these extra calories making their surreptitious way into your otherwise healthy diet?

Try and make the move away from milky coffee. Try and replace it with black or herbal tea. You can mix it up a bit with the flavours – black tea in the morning for a quick caffeine hit, green tea after lunch to help with digestion and a peppermint tea in the afternoon as a pick-me-up. Even if you replace two of the three coffees you have during the day it’s worthwhile. Arrange for the biscuit tin to be out of sight – in a cupboard or a container that you can’t see the biscuits. And be alert and aware to their siren call. A quick exit from the kitchen is always a good exit. Make a suggestion that birthdays are celebrated in group style once a month, so you limit your exposure. If that doesn’t work, when you know someone is going to be having a birthday, try and be out of the office at cake time. A nice card will go a long way to ensuring that birthday-ee is not offended. Fundraising chocolate can become a simple donation. If the seller insists you take the chocolate, put it in the kitchen with a “help yourselves” note – your co-workers will love you and so will that cute shift dress you can’t quite fit into. Stick to fresh fruit for snacking, and rather than graze on a bit tub/bag of nuts, work with a portion control system. One small container of nuts and a piece of fruit for the day and when it’s gone – no more.
If you can implement some of these changes you’ll be amazed how much easier it is to lose those extra winter kilos. Combine it with some in-office exercising – see our blog You Might Not Want to Take this Sitting Down and you will be ready for summer in no time. If you would like more information on weight loss, or would like to talk about additional strategies, call our Baulkham Hills Clinic on (02) 9639 7337 and make an appointment to see our Nutritionist & Dietitian, our Traditional Chinese Medicine specialist or our Chiropractor, who can all help you with diet and exercise.

What is TCM?

Ancient Wisdom comes to Precision Health Clinic. There is no denying that the ancient cultures developed a great deal of knowledge – some of which has been forgotten. But we can still use much of that knowledge today. This is true of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The earliest evidence we have of Traditional Chinese Medicine is in the I-Ching, which was first developed over 5,000 years ago – even before a formal written language existed in the region. Over the centuries, the knowledge in the I-Ching has been enhanced and enriched, and modern Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners can now draw on those years of knowledge to help their patients. For a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner the single most important aspect is diagnosis. Traditional methodologies used in the practice of Chinese medicine diagnosis:
  1. Sight - how the patient looks, including how they walk and sit
  2. Sound & Smell – the sound of the patient’s voice and breathing, and their smell
  3. Inquiry – asking questions of the patient
  4. Pulse – to a TCM Master there are 32 different kinds of pulses
Based on these four criteria a diagnosis is made, and a treatment plan is developed. This plan is likely to be based on acupuncture, but may also include herbal treatments, cupping and scraping. These days, most people have a broad idea of what acupuncture is – the practice of inserting needles at different acupuncture points in the body to improve the flow of qi. Sometimes, acupuncture will include Moxibustion – placing burning mugwort on the head of the needle to improve efficacy. Cupping is used for chronic conditions and externally-caused illnesses such as viruses. Suction is applied to the skin of the back causing bruising and broken capillaries, which accelerates blood flow and metabolism. Scraping provides much the same benefits, but via scraping rather than suction. Herbal treatments are individually designed prescriptions that provide treatment for the specific conditions of the patients. They may include tonics or topical treatments depending on the need of the patient. The range of conditions that can benefit from treatment using Traditional Chinese Medicine is almost endless. Digestive problems, thyroid dysfunction, sinus problems, chronic fatigue, hormone and emotional disorders, fertility, migraines, acne, wrinkles and age spots, not to mention weight management can all be treated using a range of Traditional Chinese Medicine approaches. Precision Health Clinic is pleased to announce the addition of Toby Chang, an experience Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner to our practice. Over the coming weeks we will talk in more detail about the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine for our patients. If you think Toby can assist you with your health concerns, please call or email the Clinic to make an appointment.

Let’s Celebrate World Vegetarian Day!

There are many reasons for becoming a vegetarian.  Maybe you have an objection to killing animals, or you just don’t like the taste of meat.  Perhaps you feel it is a healthier alternative than a meat-based diet, or that fewer animals will reduce global warming.  You might even wish to stop eating meat for political or economic reasons.  Whatever the reason approximately 2.1 million Australians are vegetarians. Becoming a vegetarian, however, doesn’t mean just cutting out meat.  There are some key nutritional needs that still need to be met.  Key essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, omega-3, vitamin B12 and protein are generally found in meat.  Why is it so important that we get sufficient of these elements: Protein – is the building block of the human body.  It is essential to the production and repair of all the cells in the body. Calcium – helps our blood to clot and our nerves send messages to our muscles.  Bones and teeth store calcium, so if we don’t take in enough, bones and teeth will be compromised. B12 – helps prevent anaemia, keeps the body’s nerves and blood cells health and makes DNA. Omega 3 – is one fat the body can’t produce on it’s own.  The risk of heart disease, dementia, depression and arthritis are all reduced by this fat. Iron – helps produce the red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout the body. Iodine – is needed to make the thyroid hormones which control the body’s metabolism and is vital in brain and bone development in babies. So where can these elements be found in a vegetarian diet?  Here are some ideas that will help you find the nutrition you need, without compromising your principles or preferences:
Commonly Deficient Nutrient *Recommend Daily Intake4 Vegetarian Sources/Alternatives
Protein 46g Greek Yoghurt Raw Cashews Low Fat Cheese Soy Milk Borlotti Beans Polenta
Calcium 1000mg Low Fat Cheese Greek Yoghurt Spinach leaves Soy Milk Bok Choy
Vitamin B12 2.4µg Vegemite Eggs Dairy - Milk
Omega-3 90mg Cheese Dairy Eggs
Iron 18mg Borlotti Beans Canned 5 Bean Mix Zucchini Tofu
Iodine 150µg Iodised Table Salt Bread (bakers’ wheat flour fortified) Milk
If you would like to celebrate World Vegetarian Day be switching to a no-meat, or even just a less-meat diet, or you just want to ensure that you are getting optimum nutrition for your needs, call or email our Baulkham Hills clinic to make an appointment to see our Dietitian and Nutritionist.

Sciatica – what a pain in the butt

Nobody likes to be in pain, but Sciatic pain can be one of the most debilitating conditions to suffer from since it affects your back and legs, and often makes it difficult to go about your daily activities – even to sit down. What is Sciatica? The Sciatic nerve runs from the lower back, through the hip and down the back of each leg. When this nerve is injured or compressed it causes pain that starts in the lower back, and radiates through the hip, buttocks and leg – sometimes down as far as the foot. The pain can vary from dull, aching or burning to sharp and shooting. Sciatica can also cause muscle weakness, numbness and tingling. It is really important to have this condition treated as quickly as possible as long-term compression of the nerve can cause permanent damage – and permanent symptoms. What Causes Sciatica? Sciatica is caused by injury or compression to the nerve. This can be the result of a herniated or bulging disc, a locked facet joint in the lower spine or joint inflammation. Non-structural causes can be Fibromyalgia, diabetes, peripheral neuropath or ischemia (inadequate blood supply). Identifying the specific cause of a patient’s Sciatica might include x-ray, CT or MRI scans as well as observation and discussion. Treatment for Sciatica Generally, the first focus of treatment is relieving the pain. Whilst treatment will depend on the exact cause of the problem, it is likely to include anti-inflammatories, manual manipulation, acupuncture, taping and soft tissue work. Once the pain and inflammation have subsided, the focus is on restoring flexibility, posture and strengthening. Stability exercises aimed at increasing core strength will help, and swimming or hydrotherapy are ideal as the buoyancy of the body reduces strain on the area. Be aware of your posture, keeping your spine stretched ‘tall’ allows the spaces in our spine to open up and avoid pinching of the nerves. Exercises like walking or swimming can help to strengthen your lower back. Try to sleep on your side to avoid additional pressure on your back, and place a pillow under your knees. A good rule of thumb is – if it hurts, don’t do it! Since Sciatica does often recur it is important to undertake a strong rehabilitation programme. Maintaining core strength, mobility and stability is important in avoiding ongoing problems which may become permanent if not resolved. If you suffer from Sciatic pain, the Chiropractors and Massage Therapists at Precision Health at Baulkham Hills can assist you in reducing pain, managing symptoms and ensuring there is no recurrence. Call the clinic on 9639 7337 to book an appointment.

The low down on running shoes

In 1960 Abebe Bikila created a stir at the Olympics. Not just by being the first East African to win a medal, but by doing it barefoot. Years later in 1984 Zola Budd did it again. Both athletes subsequently began wearing running shoes due to injuries, which suggests that shoes might be best. But not all running shoes are created equal. So, how do you choose a running shoe? Obviously, the colour is the most important thing! No? OK, well maybe not. But when there are so many shoes on the market, and most of them are pretty comfortable, what should you look for that separates one from the pack? Firstly, if you are serious about running, it is worthwhile getting a proper gait analysis from a qualified Podiatrist. This will tell you what type of foot you have:
  1. Flat feet – are generally very flexible. People with flat feet tend to overpronate – roll inwards on their feet. People with flat feet should generally aim for Stability shoes.
  2. Neutral – this is the most biomechanically sound structure for feet. People with a neutral gait can run in a wide range of shoes, but tend towards moderate stability shoes
  3. High Arches – tend to be rigid, which leads to supination – landing on the outer edge of the feet. These feet require a cushioned shoe with midsole padding and flexibility.
When choosing a size, aim to go for ½ to 1 size up from your normal shoe. About a centimetre, or a thumb-space is needed so you can wiggle your toes. It is also important to ensure the heel is snug and does not slip. When looking at the structure of the shoe, there are four main areas to consider:
  1. Fore Foot As you might have guessed – this refers to the front of the shoe. It should be flexible in an upward direction, but not able to be bent downwards, or twisted sideways, as too much flexibility here can lead to injuries like ankle inversion strains.
  2. Outer Sole This is often made of differing types of materials, which can result in uneven breakdown or wear and tear, creating postural changes. This is where the type of shoe and level of stability versus flexibility is particularly important.
  3. Midsole This part of the shoe should be stiff to act as lever propulsion, and is therefore under a great deal of pressure when running. Since it is enclosed in the outer aspects of the shoe, it is easy to miss when this area begins to break down. Once this part of the shoe starts to become flexible, it is important to replace the shoes, as this flexibility can lead to instability and therefore injury.
  4. Heel Counter This is the cup at the rear of the shoe which holds the heel in place. If this part of the shoe does not fit properly, blistering, sprains and Achilles tendon injuries can result.
Finally, running shoes should be replaced every 500-600 kms, depending on the surface. Worn out shoes are one of the biggest causes of injury in runners. If you think you are in need of new runners, it really is worthwhile to have a Gait Analysis first. Not only will it help narrow down the enormous range of options, but may save you wasting money on the wrong shoes, and help avoid injury. If you would like a gait analysis, call or email the Clinic and book an appointment with our Podiatrist. Armed with the proper advice you really will just need to choose between the blue ones and the orange ones!

First do no HARM

Last week we mentioned the acronym RICER in reference to treating acute injuries. This week, we thought it might be worthwhile to tackle another popular acronym – HARM. While RICER is all about what you should do when you have an acute injury – HARM is all about what you should not do. H – Heat increases swelling and bleeding in acute injuries as it dilates the blood vessels, bringing more blood to the affected area. Avoid heat packs, hot baths and saunas if you have an acute injury. A – Alcohol will also increase swelling and bleeding – for the same reason; it dilates blood vessels. It can also delay healing by contributing to a build up of toxins such as lactic acid in the injured tissue. The dehydration caused by alcohol can also thicken the blood, increasing problems of swelling and bleeding. R – Running and exercise should be avoided post-acute injury. It can aggravate the injury causing increased swelling, pain and bleeding, and the increase in body temperature caused by exertion can further exacerbate the problem. M – Massage is generally believed to be harmful immediately after acute injury. However, there are two exceptions to this. Massage concentrating on the uninjured parts of the body can be very beneficial. By keeping the rest of the body mobile, post-injury stiffness can be reduced. There are also gentle ‘recovery’ massage techniques used by professional Remedial Massage Therapists that can be used on injuries to help keep the area mobile whilst minimising heat generation. This is why it is vitally important to only see a qualified Remedial Massage Therapist – especially when you have an acute injury. So next time you experience an acute injury, or if you are suffering from chronic injuries that require attention, call or email our Baulkham Hills Clinic to book in with one of our Diploma qualified Remedial and Sports Massage therapists to help get you back on track – without doing any HARM.

Blowing hot and cold on injuries

Put an icepack on it!  Put a heat pack on it!  Everyone is always full of advice on the best remedy when we have injuries or aches and pains.  So, what is best – hot or cold?  The answer is – it depends… Depends on what, you may well ask.  It depends on the pain. When to use Cold Cold packs should be used on new and acute injuries. When a new injury occurs, the body sends blood to that region – a muscle for instance – in order to facilitate healing.  This causes inflammation and - if you feel the area you may notice this – heat, from the increased blood flow.  A cold pack will reduce the inflammation, pain and heat. The best application of a cold pack is to place the pack – you can buy soft gel cold packs, or a packet of frozen peas/corn will do just as well – inside a pillowcase, or wrap it in a tea-towel.  Apply to the affected area for about 10 minutes every hour for up to 2-3 days, depending on the severity of the injury. A handy acronym if ice is what you need is RICER – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Repeat. When to use Heat Heat packs are most effective on chronic conditions and old injuries, particularly where stiffness or arthritis are involved.  The heat will warm and relax the muscles and increase blood flow, making them less rigid and thereby reducing stiffness. When muscle stiffness is caused by stress or anxiety – such as neck stiffness often is – heat can have a soothing effect on the nervous system. Heat can be applied via a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel, a wheat-bag heated in the microwave or more gently via a towel taken straight from the hot setting on the dryer.  Heat can also be generated by the application of a heat rub containing menthol. Whether it’s heat or cold you need, the team at our Baulkham Hills clinic can help with advice and treatment that will reduce the severity and length of your injury.


… and not the kind that goes well with pasta… There are all sorts of fungal infections that can take hold of your feet.  As with the Bromodosis that cause funky feet, fungus loves dark, damp, warm places.  Probably the most common fungal problem is Athlete’s Foot. This very common – and very catching – condition causes itching, stinging burning, cracking and peeling.  Yuck. How do you solve the problem? Following the same advice we dished up last week in our Funky Feet blog is a good first approach, but there are some additional things you should bear in mind when dealing with Athlete’s Foot:
  1. Athlete’s foot is extremely catching! If you have it – don’t go barefoot in gyms, locker rooms, pool or shower areas.  You might pass it on.  If you don’t have it – don’t go barefoot in gyms., locker rooms, pool or shower areas.  You might catch it!
  2. Never share socks or shoes.
  3. Avoid tight or enclosed shoes – the more your feet can breathe the better off they will be.
  4. When washing your socks try and include an antibacterial or anti-fungal in the wash with the detergent. And nothing kills off bacteria like good old sunlight – so where possible dry your socks in the sun.
  5. Clean your shower floor thoroughly and regularly with bleach to avoid re-infection.
  6. Invest in some anti-fungal cream, lotion or powder. Whichever one you choose – follow the instructions and use it for as long as indicated – often the fungus can hang around once the symptoms seem to have cleared.
Follow these few simple directions and your feet should be looking dishy again in no time! One final suggestion – visit your podiatrist to ensure whatever treatment you use is working.  Especially if problems persist.  Our podiatrist is in the clinic Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, so call or email the clinic if you would like an appointment.