What is Compression Fracture?

Vertebral compression fractures (VCF) are a significant concern for residents in Baulkham Hills and the broader Hills Area, often resulting from compressive trauma to the spine. These fractures involve the anterior (front) half of the vertebral body and can be associated with various bone-weakening disorders.

Causes of Vertebral Compression Fractures in Baulkham Hills

Bone-weakening disorders, such as osteoporosis and bone cancer, increase the susceptibility of the vertebra to fractures. Osteoporosis, which is bone disease in which the bone density and bone mass decreases making a bone more prone to fractures, is a leading cause of VCFs. In patients with osteoporosis, seemingly insignificant activities like coughing, sneezing, or even minor impacts, such as uneven landing from stepping off a curb, can lead to VCFs.

In young healthy people the force required to cause a compression fracture is significant, for example falling from height or a hyperflexion injury.

Chiropractic Care for Vertebral Compression Fractures

Residents in Baulkham Hills and the Hills Area facing VCFs can benefit from chiropractic care. A chiropractor can play a crucial role in relieving pain and stiffness, facilitating proper healing of the bones. Additionally, chiropractors provide professional advice and guidance on the healing process, offering insights on activities to avoid for optimal recovery.

Precision Health Clinics in Baulkham Hills offers expert chiropractic and massage services tailored to address Vertebral Compression Fractures. If you or someone you know is dealing with the aftermath of a VCF, consider reaching out to our experienced chiropractic team. Contact us at (02) 9639 7337, or book online to schedule an appointment and explore personalised treatment options for Vertebral Compression Fractures in the Hills Area. Our dedicated team is committed to promoting spinal health and overall well-being.

Donnally III, C.J., DiPompeo, C.M. and Varacallo, M., 2023. Vertebral compression fractures. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

Alexandru, D. and So, W., 2012. Evaluation and management of vertebral compression fractures. The Permanente Journal, 16(4), p.46.

Riggs, B.L., 1991. Overview of osteoporosis. Western journal of medicine, 154(1), p.63.

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Precision Health Spine & Sports clinic treats a diverse range of neuromuscular and skeletal biomechanical disorders. Whether you are having trouble with your knees, you have a pain in the neck, or if you are just feeling stiff and sore, we can help you with our suite of treatment options that can be tailored especially for you. Take a look at the wide range of disorders we can help you with. Whether you need chiropractic treatment, remedial massage, physiotherapy, podiatry or a combination of disciplines, we have the expertise to decrease your pain and discomfort and increase your mobility and quality of life.