What is Osteoarthritis of the Knee Joint?

Osteoarthritis (OA) represents a complex condition characterised by progressive degenerative changes that affect the structures within a joint. While OA is commonly found in older individuals as part of the natural aging process, it can also occur earlier in life due to various factors, including traumatic events or structural abnormalities.

In the context of the knee joint, degeneration typically sets in with advancing age, leading to the gradual breakdown of cartilage, bone remodelling, and the development of osteophytes (bone spurs). However, certain predisposing factors can accelerate this degenerative process. Traumatic injuries, such as overuse injuries from repetitive stress, direct impact trauma, or sports-related injuries, can contribute to early-onset OA by disrupting the normal biomechanics and integrity of the joint.

Another factor that can influence the development of knee OA is an increased Q angle. The Q angle refers to the angle formed by the intersection of the thigh bone (femur) and the shin bone (tibia), and an excessive Q angle can lead to altered joint mechanics, potentially increasing the risk of OA development.

Additionally, previous knee injuries, surgeries, or meniscal tears can predispose individuals to OA by compromising the structural stability and function of the knee joint. These events may lead to abnormal joint loading, altered joint biomechanics, or inadequate healing, all of which can contribute to the degenerative changes, which are characteristic of OA.

The clinical presentation of knee OA often includes symptoms such as persistent knee pain, particularly during weight-bearing activities or movements that stress the joint. Patients may also experience intermittent swelling, stiffness, and reduced range of motion in the affected knee. Activities like prolonged sitting or walking can exacerbate symptoms, highlighting the impact of mechanical stress on OA-related discomfort.

Management of knee OA typically involves a multimodal approach aimed at reducing pain, improving joint function, and slowing disease progression. This may include lifestyle modifications, physical therapy, etc.

Early recognition of risk factors and timely intervention are crucial in managing knee OA effectively, with a focus on preserving joint function and enhancing quality of life for individuals affected by this degenerative joint condition.

Does this sound like a condition you are suffering from? We offer services that can aid in your recovery!

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Tsokanos A, Livieratou E, Billis E, Tsekoura M, Tatsios P, Tsepis E, Fousekis K. The Efficacy of Manual Therapy in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review. Medicina. 2021; 57(7):696. https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina57070696

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Precision Health Spine & Sports clinic treats a diverse range of neuromuscular and skeletal biomechanical disorders. Whether you are having trouble with your knees, you have a pain in the neck, or if you are just feeling stiff and sore, we can help you with our suite of treatment options that can be tailored especially for you. Take a look at the wide range of disorders we can help you with. Whether you need chiropractic treatment, remedial massage, physiotherapy, podiatry or a combination of disciplines, we have the expertise to decrease your pain and discomfort and increase your mobility and quality of life.