What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. There is a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of each foot and connects the heel bone to the toe, this is known as the plantar fascia. It’s job is to support the arch of the foot and to be a shock absorber when walking. When the plantar fascia is inflamed, we refer to this as Plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis commonly causes stabbing pain that often occurs with your first steps in the morning. As you get up and move, the pain normally decreases, but it might return after long periods of standing or when you stand up after sitting.

The cause of plantar fasciitis is poorly understood. It is more common in runners and in people who are overweight.

Treatment for plantar fasciitis usually begins with conservative measures aimed at reducing pain and inflammation. Resting the affected foot, avoiding activities that exacerbate symptoms, and applying ice to the heel can help alleviate acute discomfort. Stretching exercises for the calf muscles and the plantar fascia itself are often recommended to improve flexibility and reduce strain on the ligament.

Footwear modifications, such as wearing supportive shoes with good arch support and cushioning, can help relieve pressure on the plantar fascia and promote healing. Orthotic devices or shoe inserts may also be prescribed to provide additional support and correct any underlying biomechanical issues contributing to the condition.

Prevention of plantar fasciitis includes maintaining a healthy weight, wearing appropriate footwear, and gradually increasing the intensity and duration of physical activities to avoid overuse injuries. Stretching the calf muscles and plantar fascia regularly can also help prevent tightness and strain that may lead to inflammation of the plantar fascia.

Does this sound like a condition you are suffering from? We offer services that can aid in your recovery! Call (02) 9639 7337 or visit our website to book an appointment now!


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