What is Tibial Plateau Fractures?

A tibial plateau fracture, a break in the tibia (shin bone) just below the knee joint, poses a significant challenge in orthopaedic medicine due to its impact on the integrity of the knee joint and its role in weight-bearing function. The tibial plateau serves as a vital articular surface at the top of the shin bone, crucial for distributing forces during weight-bearing activities and maintaining knee stability. Fractures in this region are relatively common and can occur following various types of trauma, including falls from heights, sports-related injuries, or motor vehicle accidents. However, they can also develop gradually due to repetitive microtrauma or as a consequence of bone weakening disorders such as osteoporosis and bone cancer.

Although tibial plateau fractures can affect individuals of all ages, they are particularly prevalent among young adults, possibly due to their active lifestyles and participation in high-impact activities. Clinical presentation of tibial plateau fractures typically includes acute knee pain exacerbated by weight-bearing activities, accompanied by significant swelling around the knee joint. Patients may experience difficulty straightening the knee, and some may notice a pale or cold foot, indicative of compromised blood flow to the affected area. Additionally, neurological symptoms such as numbness or tingling sensations extending into the foot may arise due to compression or injury to the adjacent nerves.

Symptoms of tibial plateau fractures include pain, which is made worse by weight bearing, swelling around the knee, an inability to straighten the knee, a pale and/or cold foot as well as possible numbness, or pins and needles into the foot. And they usually associate with soft tissue lesions that would change the treatment regime. More phases of treatment would be recommended in more complex fracture patterns. But most often any type of tibial plateau fracture can present with soft-tissue complications.

Tibial plateau fractures are often associated with concurrent soft tissue injuries, such as meniscal tears, ligamentous disruptions, or compartment syndrome, which can complicate the treatment approach and influence outcomes. As a result, a comprehensive assessment, including thorough clinical examination and advanced imaging studies such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI, is essential to accurately diagnose the extent of injury and tailor the treatment plan accordingly.

In summary, tibial plateau fractures represent a multifaceted orthopaedic condition requiring a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment. By addressing both the fracture and associated soft tissue injuries, healthcare professionals can optimise outcomes and facilitate the patient’s return to pre-injury function and mobility.

Here at Precision Health we offer services such as Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy which can aid in your recovery from Tibial Plateau Fractures.

Call (02) 9639 7337 or visit our website to book an appointment now!

Prat-Fabregat, S. and Camacho-Carrasco, P., 2016. Treatment strategy for tibial plateau fractures: an update. EFORT open reviews, 1(5), pp.225-232.

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Precision Health Spine & Sports clinic treats a diverse range of neuromuscular and skeletal biomechanical disorders. Whether you are having trouble with your knees, you have a pain in the neck, or if you are just feeling stiff and sore, we can help you with our suite of treatment options that can be tailored especially for you. Take a look at the wide range of disorders we can help you with. Whether you need chiropractic treatment, remedial massage, physiotherapy, podiatry or a combination of disciplines, we have the expertise to decrease your pain and discomfort and increase your mobility and quality of life.