What is Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury?

The Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) is a crucial structure situated on the inner aspect of the knee, linking the medial parts of the tibia (shin bone) and femur (thigh bone). Its primary function is to provide stability to the knee joint by restricting excessive twisting and lateral movements, thus safeguarding against potential injuries.

MCL tears can present as either chronic or acute injuries, classified into first, second, or third-degree tears based on their severity and mechanism of injury.

A first-degree MCL tear typically occurs due to chronic overuse or repetitive stress placed on the ligament over time. This type of tear is characterised by mild to moderate pain localised to the inner aspect of the knee. Individuals with a first-degree tear may experience discomfort during certain activities but generally maintain good knee stability.

On the other hand, second and third-degree MCL tears result from acute traumatic events, particularly those involving an external force causing the knee to bend inward (outside-to-inside). This type of injury often leads to sharp, immediate pain and noticeable swelling over the inner aspect of the knee. In more severe cases, such as a third-degree tear, there may be significant instability in the knee joint, making weight-bearing activities challenging and painful.

– First-degree tears may require conservative management, including rest, ice therapy, compression, elevation (RICE protocol), and physical therapy to strengthen surrounding muscles and promote healing.

– Second-degree tears may also benefit from conservative measures but may require a longer recovery period and potentially bracing to support the knee during healing.

– Third-degree tears often necessitate more aggressive interventions, such as surgical repair or reconstruction, particularly if there is significant instability or associated injuries.

Regardless of the degree of the tear, early recognition, accurate diagnosis, and appropriate management are essential in optimising outcomes and restoring knee function for individuals with MCL injuries. Rehabilitation and gradual return to activity under the guidance of healthcare professionals play a crucial role in promoting recovery and preventing recurrent injuries.

Here at Precision Health we offer services such as chiropractic care and rehabilitation which can aid in your recovery from Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury. Call (02) 9639 7337 or visit our website to book an appointment now!

Andrews K, Lu A, Mckean L, Ebraheim N. Medial collateral ligament injuries. Journal of orthopaedics. 2017 Dec 1;14(4):550-4.

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Precision Health Spine & Sports clinic treats a diverse range of neuromuscular and skeletal biomechanical disorders. Whether you are having trouble with your knees, you have a pain in the neck, or if you are just feeling stiff and sore, we can help you with our suite of treatment options that can be tailored especially for you. Take a look at the wide range of disorders we can help you with. Whether you need chiropractic treatment, remedial massage, physiotherapy, podiatry or a combination of disciplines, we have the expertise to decrease your pain and discomfort and increase your mobility and quality of life.